Complete web-based system |
ProMan, provides a complete web based office and property administration system for the forward thinking estate agent. A hosted solution means that there are no system requirements other than access to the internet via a browser. Manage your business from anywhere. Open new offices without major networking problems. No large initial payment for software licences. Pay as you use, and use only what you need. Reduce distribution costs, improve efficiency, handle double the business with the same administrative overhead and give both buyers and sellers the service they want.
Built with the future in mind |
The whole process of buying and selling residential property is about to change dramatically. With the introduction of Home Information Packs in June 2007; the Land Registry introducing its eConveyancing project; Local Authorities enabling electronic searches; Lenders enforcing electronic communication standards; and the emergence of bulk conveyancers with business models based on highly automated processes, estate agents must prepare to be very agile over the next two years whilst industry participants re-align business relationships. Systems must be capable of communicating electronically with all of these participants. ProMan has been designed to manage this change for you, keeping you constantly up to date and enabling PISCES* compliant electronic messaging that will link you to an end-to-end electronic property transfer process. You will be in a position to take advantage of the opportunities created by these major industry upheavals.
Demonstrating the System |
This site includes the features that are available with ProMan. View the Property Directory, Buyer Registration and User Guide to see what a new visitor would experience. If you then log in with UserName = and Password = password you will see that further features are made available to registered visitors including the ability to create a personal portfolio, see location maps and download full particulars (not available for this demo). Finally, click on Corporate, login as BrianLoveday with Password = password and see the office administration pages.
All data relating to people and properties on this site is fictitious and only meant for demonstration purposes.
For further information, telephone: 2315
PISCES - Property Information Systems Common Exchange Standard -