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    ProMan     Property Marketing Solutions
 Whitstable, Hampshire - £482,500  |    Worthing, Hampshire - £382,500  |    Yarmouth, Devon - £372,500  |    Barnstable, Avon - £237,450  |    Tetherdown, West Sussex - £452,500  |    West Bourne, Devon - £412,500  |    Yarmouth, Hampshire - £265,000  |    Hove, Suffolk - £177,450  |    Greenslade, Essex - £262,500  |    Cliftonville, Sussex - £262,500  |  

 Providing You With Choice

You are most welcome to visit us at our spacious offices in Truro to browse the properties that we have available. You may, however, find it more convenient to access full details, printable particulars and location maps via this web-site. When you register, we provide you with the facilities to maintain your own profile and to build your own individual property directory containing only those properties in which you are interested.

 Viewing More Information

When you register with us you are also entitled to view and print the full property particulars and location maps for those properties in which you have an interest. To access this information select the property from the Property Directory by clicking on the photograph of the property or clicking on 'More Information'. The 'Property Detail' page will be displayed showing additional photographs and a fuller description. On the page heading are options to download particulars, view location maps and add the property to your personal property portfolio.

 Managing 'My Profile'

You are in total control of the information that you have provided. You may add, amend or delete this information as necessary and if you no longer wish to be registered, simply select the option to 'Delete My Profile From Database'. We respect your privacy and will not divulge any of the information you have provided to unauthorised third-parties. When you delete your profile all of the information that you have provided is completely deleted. All that will remain are some anonymous statistics regarding the number of visits you have made and the properties you selected.

 Viewing Location Maps

You are able to view two maps, one showing the location of the property in relation to the County as a whole and the other shows its position within its immediate locality.

 Managing 'My Portfolio'

Your Portfolio acts as a personal property directory with the same access methods as the main Property Directory. To Add a property to your portfolio select the option 'Add to My Portfolio' on the 'Property Detail' page. To delete a property from the portfolio, click on the link 'Delete From Portfolio' underneath the photograph.

 Downloading Particulars

To download particulars, select 'More Information' on the property from the 'Property Directory' or 'My Portfolio'. When the 'Property Details' are displayed, you will see a menu option to download 'Full Particulars'. Selecting this option opens a .pdf document containing the full printed particulars of the property that can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat®. These can be saved on your computer or printed on your printer. By selecting a download, the property is automatically added to your portfolio, if not already present. Occasionally, properties are released before full printed particulars are available. If you have elected to receive email alerts of portfolio changes, you will be notified as soon as the particulars become available.

 Email Alert Service

Two Email Alerts may be selected in 'My Profile':

New Instructions:
As soon as a new property is released onto the market, you will be sent an eMail notifying you of the price and description if the property falls within 110% of your chosen price range.

Portfolio Changes:
If there is a change to the price, price type, offer status or download availability of a property included in you Portfolio, you will be sent an email describing the change.

 Logging Out

Clicking on this option ends your session, logs you out and returns you to the Home page. Occasionally, if you have not been active on the site for some minutes, your session may be timed out. The system will return you to the Home page. To view your personalised information you will need to log-in again.

