Gardens, Estates and Houses

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What Fowey has to offer

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Gardens, Estates and Houses.

Eden Project

Bodelva, St Austell

The Eden Project is the world’s largest greenhouse and has become Cornwall’s greatest attraction having being crowned the ‘ UK’s most loved modern building’. The Eden project is a successful combination of ecology, horticulture, science, art and architecture. Its success lies in being a fun and educational place, with things changing and growing all the time, making each visit unique.

‘ Eden is the greatest stage on earth; the living theatre of plants, people and possibilities. And like every great theatre what happens on stage is dramatic and constantly changing.

So there is not just one Eden, but many.

Come in winter and it will be different from the summer, in autumn different from the spring. Always changing but always a vibrant and unique reminder of our place in nature. And a living demonstration of regeneration – an exhausted, worked out china clay pit turned into a stunning lost world reminding us of what we ‘ordinary’ people can do once we set our minds to it’

It has become an international visitor destination and it is clear to see why.

The National Trust is a charity. It owns many of Cornwall’s finest historic houses, gardens and landscaped parks. More than half of the Cornish coast is owned by the National Trust, the unspoilt countryside and coastline is therefore protected forever.

Cornwall is a host to some of the finest National Trust properties and gardens. Within these you will find masses of space and freedom in beautifully kept landscapes, room to roam or simply relax and enjoy the peace. The National Trust provides lots of trails, quizzes and games that whole families will enjoy. There are events throughout the year, including hands-on activities for children, open air concerts and plays, costumed guides and historical re-enactments. Restaurants and tea rooms serving the best of Cornish food and drink, plus children’s menus and the finest Cornish Ice creams, perfectly complimenting to a warm summers afternoon in the Cornish surrounds. Galleries and gifts shops are dotted throughout selling the best local crafts, books and specialities.

The National Trust owns the following, all of which are highly recommended for their historic beauty.

Glendurgan Garden

Mawnan Smith, nr Falmouth

A Superb subtropical garden with year-round interest, this garden was created by the Fox family in the 1820s. A lush and sheltered valley with views over the Helford River, with carpets of native wild flowers, fine trees, rare and exotic plants. At the foot of the valley is the tranquil sandy beach and rock pools sure to delight everyone. Children and adults alike will enjoy getting lost within the famous laurel maze and being airborne on the Giant’s Stride maypole. For the perfect day Glendurgan couldn’t be seen without having visited the newly improved tea-room specializing in local food and drink to quench everyone’s thirsts and hungers that are created by such stimulating surroundings.

St Michaels Mount

Marazion, Penzance

A magical rocky island crowned with a medieval castle and church. A national treasure not to be missed. It is ancient, romantic and breathtakingly beautiful. Follow in the footsteps of pilgrims, mariners and giants to discover the legends and the real stories of the Mount. This historical castle is still the home of the St Aubyn family, and the island is home to a living community. To get to the Mount you have many options. Walk the causeway at low tide or take a ferry when the tide comes in, either way, it’s a fantastic adventure to be had. Once there, the harbour village features shops, a café and the Sail Loft Restaurant. It is certainly a memorable day to be had by all.

NB Paths cobbled, steep climb to castle. No facilities for dogs.

Church services at 11.15 on Sundays 15 May – end September.

Cornish Mines and Engines and Industrial Discovery Centre

Pool, Nr Redruth

The essential gateway to Cornwall’s industrial past. This is three sites in one, set in the heart of the old mining country. Here stand two Cornish beam engines preserved in their imposing houses. Michell’s Engine can be seen in action, the great beam rising and falling. Taylor’s Engine, is a giant, you can even climb to the top of the 3-storeyed building to get a close up of its mighty beam. The Discovery Centre gives you the whole dramatic story of Cornish mining, with a fascinating audio-visual presentation to enhance your knowledge. Don’t miss walking through the flue tunnel and the dizzying view up inside the spectacular 120ft chimney stack.

For more of the Cornish nature wonders visit;

The Marina Villa Hotel, Esplanade, Fowey, Cornwall PL23 1HY

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