A local nursing and dementia care facility at the hub of the rural community providing permanent, convalescent and respite care in direct response to local need

Up to 92 new full time equivalent jobs – including qualified nursing and care posts – by year three

Specialist extra care accommodation and on site services for the elderly designed to meet their needs as they age so enabling them to move from larger family properties releasing those for sale and so freeing up local housing chains

An inclusive care development with state funded access to nursing, dementia and special nursing elements

An inclusive extra care development with a range of tenure options – including rental and rent to buy

A range of facilities and a calendar of social events which will be available for use, by arrangement, by the wider community

Extra local support and care – a CQC registered domiciliary care service accessible to the local community

An on site shop/kiosk to serve the west and south of the parish

New transport services and facilities

Extra business for local businesses, clubs, societies and churches supporting their on-going viability and adding to the vitality of South Chailey and the surrounding villages

The Benefits of Gradwell Park
The Benefits of Gradwell Park
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The Benefits of Gradwell Park